要把一個小孩子撫養成為一個成熟,忠誠,有夢想,有承擔,有勇氣的成年人,並非一件容易的事。 家長面對的時代衝擊和文化挑戰實在很大。 不過縱使我們不能保證撫養出來的孩子將變成怎樣,我們卻可以努力學習成為一位稱職和負責任的父母。
歌鄰基督教會計劃在 2020 年二月開始推出一連串關於如何撫養孩子的講座。 介時將邀請不同背景的專業人士來為家長講解。 此講座系列不但為教會的父母而設,亦希望服事區內的家庭。 鼓勵大家屆時邀請鄰舍,同事,孩子的同學的父母參加,透過這些講座,讓人聽聞福音,認識教會。
時間: 星期日 2:30-4:30 pm
地點: 歌鄰事工中心 (KMC) 150 - 13775 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC
這是研討系列的下半部,主要針對初中及高中青少年的腦部管控功能。透過這個兩小時的講習班,我們將會探討腦部管控功能 (EF) 的重要性,以及如何幫助青少年發展這些關鍵的生活技能,並促進自我意識及自我倡導的學習。我們將會討論高層次腦部管控功能的理論與實踐策略,而重點主要會放在組織,時間管理及承托壓力等方面。
Mar 8 - How to nurture the front brain? (Part 2)
Eva Leung, Gifted Resource Teacher
This is part two of a two-part series workshop focusing on the executive functions of middle and high school-aged children. This two-hour workshop will include an overview of the importance of executive function (EF) and ways to help children develop these crucial life skills and facilitate the learning of self-awareness and self-advocacy. We will be touching on both theory and practical strategies of higher-level executive functions, focusing in the areas of organization, time management and stress tolerance.
Speaker Introduction: With over 20 years of experience in working with children and teenagers in Christian evangelistic settings and over 10 years of experience as a K-12 teacher, Eva now brings her experience to Vancouver Christian School and Vancouver School Board Challenge Centre where she works as a Learning Resource Coordinator and District Gifted Resource Teacher, respectively. She's a dedicated follower of Christ, wife, and mother of two beautiful children residing in Vancouver, BC.
講者簡介:Eva 曾參與二十年以上的兒童和青少年福音事工,並擔任中小學老師超過十年。Eva 現在分別於「溫哥華基督教學校」及「溫哥華教育局 - 挑戰中心」任職,從事教育資源統籌及資優班資源老師等工作。除此以外,她亦是一位忠心跟隨基督的門徒丶一位賢妻丶並兩個可愛孩子的母親。